Lab #1 Write Up

Name: Kelly Yokoi

Period: 7

Assignment: Lab #1

Lab Overview

Scratch Lab #1 focused on many various problems to get to know the basics of scratch. The first problem focused on simple motion where the task was to move the sprite to all corners of the screen in a gliding motion. In the end the sprite would look like it was walking along the border of the screen. For the second problem, I had to take 6 sprites and have them form a hexagon when the green flag is clicked. I also had to incorporate the glide command. In the last problem that I did I had to create a sprite and create costumes. Once that is done I had to have the sprite change costumes at least 3 times.

My Solution Problem #1

For problem one I had the sprite start in the bottom left corner facing right (90). Then had him glide to the bottom right corner. I then had the sprite face up (0) and had him glide to the top right corner. After that, I had the sprite face left (-90) and glide to the top left corner. Then I had the sprite face down (180) and return to the spot it started. I ended it facing left (90) so the sprite would always start in the same direction.

Problem #1

My Solution Problem #2

For problem two I set up 6 sprites and set them up so they were about the same size. To do that I had to reduce the size of a couple of the sprites. I then gave them the location they needed to glide to and had them point towards the side of the hexagon that would be parallel to them. Once they all glide to their desired positions they form a hexagon for 5 sec then return to the center so the script can be run over and over again.

Problem #2

My Solution Problem #4

For problem #4 I drew a kawaii sprite and also drew two costumes for it. I started the script off with costume 1 and then had the sprite glide a few steps before changing into costume 2. I then had it glide a few more steps and switch to costume 3. After that I had it glide to it's original position and change back to costume 1 so the script could be repeated.

Problem #4


  1. Question #1-Animations

    Go to the scratch home page and click explore and then animations Find an animation that you like. Click on “see inside”. What blocks do you recognize? What is unfamiliar?

    • I do not recognize the operator blocks. The command "pick random" is not familiar.
  2. Question #2-Screen-1

    How large is the scratch screen?

    • The scratch screen is 480x360 pixels.
  3. Question #3-Screen-2

  4. Where is the center of the scratch screen?

  5. Question #4-Screen-3

  6. What are the units of measurement of the scratch screen?

  7. Question #5-Sprite vs. Stage

  8. How many sprites can you have on the screen? How many stages? Explain why this makes sense.

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